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Paypal vs. Merchant Account

ALBANY, New York (AP) -- The nation's largest online payment service, PayPal, is paying New York $150,000 in penalties after misrepresenting to consumers its policy on repayment when merchandise doesn't arrive, the state attorney general said Monday.

PayPal, which claims 40 million customers worldwide, had specifically stated that it provided the same rights and protections of a traditional credit card transaction, said Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. But consumers were often denied those rights, he said.

For example, consumers who didn't receive merchandise purchased through PayPal were often denied reimbursement from either PayPal or American Express or Discover credit cards. A spokeswoman for Spitzer said consumers complained they were being bounced between PayPal and their credit card companies and there was no prompt action.

The credit card firms agreed to properly credit consumers in an agreement with Spitzer late last year.

PayPal creates accounts for buyers and sellers using the Internet, including PayPal's parent, eBay, the Internet auction site. The service lets buyers and sellers exchange money through e-mail.

Besides the penalties, PayPal will pay New York state the investigation costs. The online payment service also will clearly describe consumer rights including conditions or limitations on their rights and refund policies.

Without the agreement, consumers using their credit cards through "e-payment" systems like PayPal would lose their protections under the federal Fair Credit Billing Act and similar state laws.

"Protecting consumer rights in online transactions is the best way to establish and maintain confidence in electronic commerce," Spitzer said.

PayPal has clarified that it will investigate any claims about a deal as long as the complaint is made within 30 days of the purchase.

Our Service is a great alternative to Paypal. Not only do you get your own merchant account and the ability to accept credit cards real time on your website, but you can also process face to face or offline transactions. You can't do that with PayPal.

www.cmscreditcards.com even has better rates than PayPal's standard program and you get your money in 48 hours directly into your Business Checking Account. No volume limits like Paypal. Benefits to having your own merchant account and not a PayPal account:

* No chance of PayPal freezing funds or holding money because they don't understand your business. When you sign up for an account with us, we underwrite your account so our banks know exactly what you are doing therefore, lessening the chance for you to have your funds held erroneously and hampering your cash flow.

* Merchant can take both online and offline orders at their home, store, office, tradeshow, etc. You can't do that with PayPal. With PayPal you can only take orders from your website. Though we believe your website sales are important, it is also important that you make sales face to face and via other marketing methods.

* Merchant gets funds automatically in 48 hours to bank account of their choice.

* With your own Merchant Account, your customers will not be required to open up a PayPal account just to do business with you.(This is a huge inconvenience to put your customers through just to make a one time purchase from you.)

* You can do recurring billing transactions for regular customers. Automatically bill a customer $100 per week or per month. You set it up once and don't have to worry about it ever again.

* Pay Pal does not make their phone number available to its customers. Call our office anytime and you'll get a live person during business hours.

Main Difference between Pay Pal and a Merchant account:

The main difference between Pay Pal and a merchant account is that funds are not processed through the merchants own merchant account. All transactions are processed through one or more large bank accounts that the merchant needs to access to get his funds. They are not directly deposited into the merchants checking account.

The accounts where these funds get pooled are typically too large to be FDIC insured. The method of clearing and settling transactions skirts the rules established by Visa and Mastercard as well as state and federal bank regulations.

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