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How Facts in an Article Improve the Credibility of the Author

Article ghostwriters know that there are many tools for writing articles that will boost the credibility of their clients. Ghost writing actually involves a lot of research in the development of an article, on the part of the writer. After all, not every article ghostwriter is going to be an expert in your field - their niche is the writing part. The article writer will need to do a lot of research in order to create an article that will deliver their client's message in an intelligent manner.

Facts Help Define You As The Expert

Those writers who are experts in their field tend to include facts and quotes sparingly in the course of an article. But, you may be asking yourself how facts and quotes help you to establish your credibility with an article?

When there is a "go to guy" in your field - whether your business focus is fitness and nutrition, home schooling, rock climbing, skin care, or real estate, there are going to be experts whose names readers will recognize and know � and if you are able to align yourself with that person, your words become more credible.

Don't believe it? Consider the recent scandal about the Kimkins Diet, in which a woman was able to present her "better than the Atkins Diet" approach and to convince many men and women that she was an expert. While she defrauded those who joined her membership site, by using established information about the Atkins Diet as a foundation for her own approach, she made people believe in what she had to say.

Of course, this is an extreme example - and no one is recommending writing articles as a tool to defraud others. Still, it does show that references to others are a great way of establishing credibility.

Here are three reasons why that's true:

1. Facts in an article are hard to refute. If you have researched your article - or your article ghostwriters have researched your article - you are likely to find that a number of different sources have very similar information that draws on a common source. If you get your facts about heart health from the American Heart Association or you get your facts about medication from a trusted doctor or pharmacist, the information that you present will be more difficult to refute.

2. Using facts while writing articles allows you to have a strong starting point. As an example, let's say that you sell coffee online and are writing articles to draw traffic to your website. Organizations like the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) are known for promoting quality standards and information about brewing and storing coffee. Using their guidelines as a foundation for your article can give you a starting point for writing articles that will be well-received by readers. You or your article ghostwriters can create articles about storing coffee beans or about why it is important to have a coffee grinder in order to grind the coffee right before it's time to brew, and suddenly, you are not just selling an airtight storage container or a coffee grinder, you are letting readers know why they need such products.

3. Writing articles with a number of facts in them establishes the credibility of your product or service. What needs did you see that prompted you to create the product? If you are writing articles about plant care because you have just created a product that kills spider mites and is safe for pets, what's going to show readers how your product can help them? On one hand, it's information about spider mites and the way that they damage houseplants that will persuade them. On the other, it's information about the ways that other insect killing sprays for plants have harmed pets - details that you can back up with veterinary association facts and figures. Each fact-focused article communicates differently, and each serves to explain the benefits of your product or service.

Reader Focused Articles Attract And Maintain A Reader's Attention

The key to effective article marketing is to get your readers' attention and keep it. The facts that you or your article ghostwriters use establish credibility within your article, are used in part, simply because they get and maintain the readers' attention. When readers see the facts from your article published elsewhere, they are going to know that you really do know what you're talking about.

When writing articles, think about what you want the readers to learn from the article. Regardless of the product or service you are promoting, one thing that every article writer should strive for is to show the readers that they can trust you, the author: credibility is essential, and the facts you use can help you to establish your own credibility, in a way that no other method can.

Hartford Rhodes is a writer and editor employed by The Phantom Writers. They will ghost write and distribute reprint articles for the promotion of your online business, and they guarantee that you will like the articles, or they will fix them to your desires. They also employ American writers, most of whom have degrees in English. Learn more at: thephantomwriters.com/services/ghost-writing.html

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