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Turning Tire-Kickers Into Mouse Clickers

You have many options open to you for raising the number of visitors to your site. These methods come with a wide variety of results and difficulty. I have tried and tested many of them using a variety of approaches. This is an approach that works very well.

Before you try to sell something, FIRST...give a free gift.

Information that can truly be a help to your visitors is a great place to start. You may easily get (or already possess) information that others vitally need.

The first thing for you to overcome is a huge level of cautious mis-trust on the part of your visitor. Job one is getting a level of trust established with your visitor.

Your focus should be to find and share valuable information. A great wealth of information is out there on the internet. Many tools exist to get you access to information that people are seeking. These subjects are what people want to know and are the ones you want to include in what you give away to your visitors.

There is a lot of perceived value for you when you provide the information you are offering as a brief course over 3-5 days' time. Taking the time and effort to make a top-quality free gift will help you very much to you many times over in the form of a valuable list of quality subscribers. Very little cash takes you a long way in this project.

You give the information if your visitor will simply provide their name and e-mail address. The best way to perform this information capture function is to use a 'squeeze page'. Your squeeze page can quickly be established starting with a basic website.

You can get top-notch work done these days without much cost. It is possible to have a high-quality squeeze page up and running in minutes that offers your free information to the world.

If you would like to learn how you can get your own squeeze page quickly and cheaply, please contact me. You can move things to auto-pilot function starting with these strategits.

You can turn a subscriber list into a long-term cash-machine with proper care and attention. You can quickly move to a position where the value of your efforts grows and becomes ever more rewarding to you and to your list members.

Seeking to help your customer base and striving to be of value to them will pay off in any business, on-line or off-line. Great rewards can be yours as you continue to develop your business. There's another way to give something free that lets you start long before somebody ever gets to your squeeze page. Information in various forms has a high perceived-value on the part of anyone who is seeking it. When you focus on quality of information delivered in a professional manner you will be taking giant steps on the road you wish to travel.

Remember that your internet visitor is there because of a desire and a need for some basic information. Put their needs first and realize they did not log on looking for an opportunity to send some cash your way. You have to overcome an always-present barrier of doubt in your visitor's mind. Provide valuable information at no cost and you will quickly erode the doubts. Informative articles can be widely published and distributed. They are a great way of building credibility and trust on the part of your reader. A quick search of some key-word tools will reveal to you the topics of interest and need of large groups of people.

The article should inform, educate and even enthuse the reader, but should NOT sell something. Keep your articles focused on what you have learned the reader wants to know. Save the sales process for later. It's much better for you to give them great information first and foremost. You then include a relatively brief sentence or two at the end, near your signature. This where you indicate you are the owner of a website where they can learn more about your topic.

Article production these days can be made much easier with new software available that creates articles quickly and in quantity. This tool merges blocks of words, uses a 30,000 word thesaurus and manges data bases, as well. Everything has gotten much simpler lately with all this. Articles can be written, produced and distributed to thousands of people at very reasonable rates.

Production, publishing and distribution of articles can now be done by new computer programs and specialized business services. Now you can include articles as part of your long-range strategies. If you want more information on these useful tools (or anything else in this article), just contact me.

Casey Moher - [email protected] (801) 941-3334

Mr. Moher is a Registered Pharmacist and Life-Long Marketing and Sales Professional. You Can Get His Free Five-Day Mini-Course on Building Targeted Website Traffic by visiting: www.newtrafficmaster.com

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