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Older Chrome Extensions to Go Away

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I have two free Chrome extensions published a few years ago on the Chrome Web Store. NOREF is an extension that attempts to alter links on web pages so no referer info is sent to servers. JunkFill is the other extension that lets users fill out web page forms with random or pre-determined data with one click.

Recently I received an email from Chrome Web Store that they are ending support for manifest version 1 in favor of version 2. V1 extensions will no longer be indexed in the store as of June and they will no longer run in Chrome by the end of this year. I think this is a good idea as many of the older or abandoned extensions will be swept away making room for newer ones.

There are some significant differences between the two manifest versions. So if you have any older extensions, published or not, it's a good time to get busy and make the updates to stay current with version 2. Mine are updated already.

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