Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us An Easy Guide To Money, Bonds, Futures, Stocks, Options, And Mutual Funds
by Robert Hashemian
Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us
From Foreword:
This book is about money and investing. It is based on what I have
learned during the past few years about the financial world. I am not a
financial analyst, not a Certified Public Accountant, not a broker, not a
banker, and not a pundit. I am just an average person like most of you,
but an average person who searched for the knowledge to make himself
a better investor. This book is based on personal experiences, some
research, and some common sense. It is about the financial world and
the different financial instruments, and how they work and how they
relate to each other. It is a good introductory book into the world of
money and it could also be used as a reference. It is the kind of book I
wish I had before I went through those turbulent times in my life.