13 previous comments
For Web page: http://www.hashemian.com/tools/hit-counter.php Add your comment by: LB on 2019-05-04 23:50:31 The check template won’t allow my ten digit account number. Anyway you can assist?
by: Lisa Reyes on 2018-05-01 13:49:56 Thank you for sharing this! Unfortunately, some of my URL characters exceed your maximum length limit in the generator field. :( But it works great for shorter URLs! Thanks again!
by: hasan on 2014-03-03 00:14:26 very very good,i am thank you very much
by: Clyde on 2011-12-11 03:50:05 Thanks so much for the free counters. I put it on http://16gbusbflashdrives.com and in the footer of http://16gbusbflashdrives.com/8gbusbflashdrive/ Very easy to install and use. Thanks again.
PS: I will look at the atomic clock if I can modify the output so that it is more suitable for my site.
by: Nassim on 2011-07-23 19:34:17 Thanks for the excellent script Hashemian.Shokran(in Arabic)
by: Jack on 2011-03-11 22:44:20 I wish you also posted Instructions on "How to put this on a Page or on my site" Thank you though for putting up this site to share these tools.
by: Rob on 2010-04-10 14:24:58 Hey Man just thought I would say thanks to you and all the other peeps that post stuff like this. THANKS ALL!!
by: Mike Here's What I'd Do on 2009-02-24 11:12:26 If you ever have a question for a developer like this again... especially one providing a free service - start your inquiry with... 'I Have a budget of $500...', or 'What would it cost to create...' As if this guy wants to WORK for the loads of people leeching tools off his site already for free.
by: mike don't be a jerk on 2008-01-18 07:49:43 he's giving you a free service and you ask him to google for you? duh
by: Mike on 2007-11-10 00:05:30 okay.. i have a question for the admin... i wish to have a counter that starts at a given number and simply counts up once per day, and displays just 5 numbers ie 04269 and then tomorrow 04270 etc. also must be narrow enough to insert in the middle of a line of text. do you know of any? please let me know by email.
by: rh [admin] on 2006-08-03 17:37:26 resetting the counter is not possible at this time. you can always register for a new counter here. if you really need it reset to zero, i could do it, if i can prove your id.
by: Nick on 2006-07-17 17:57:33 Any way to reset the counter?
by: rh [admin] on 2006-01-29 02:50:47 Due to a migration by my hosting service, the hit counter database was corrupted and had to restored from backups. Some data might have been lost due to the age of backups. My apologies for any inconvenience.