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by: Ray Williamson on 2012-08-27 11:28:50
Thank you for your reply.
I originally thought that it should be the US spelling of "lightgray". Being a bit behind the times I did not realise they were using British spellings as well.
Mind you, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is British!
Thank you again. The web page URL I gave shows an example of your form with some simple validation.

by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2012-08-16 20:09:58
welcome. lightgrey should be fine for modern browsers, but i changed it to #d3d3d3 for most compatibility. enjoy.
by: Ray Williamson on 2012-08-15 08:52:19
Dear Robert,
Your form submission facility is excellent. thank you very much!
However, there is a slight error in the code for the sign-in/pick up submissions page:
there is no background-color recognized of "lightgrey".
Try this instead:
background-color:#ddd; or if you prefer,
Many thanks indeed!

by: Jane on 2012-07-31 08:48:13
I am looking for an HTML data capture form that can then re-direct to another webpage where they can download a white paper. Are you able to help?
by: mzole on 2012-04-13 11:11:46
by: Kelly Jones on 2012-03-04 07:16:26
Perfect post. Here’s a tool that lets youbuild all types of web forms with email alerts fast and without coding. Just point and click
by: zeninftech on 2011-12-16 18:42:39
Tnx for ur efforts and helping us,
Can u pls help me, my site can accept javascript only and I want to make user submit data(txt and images) and to see on my homepage?

by: DSLR Deals on 2011-08-05 00:14:32
These scripts are extremely useful, thank you fro the info!
by: Jeff on 2011-05-02 16:17:14
Can you give me a free php script for adding and viewing comments on a webpage. I don't have a site yet, but if you could help, that would be much appreciated, thanks.
by: Karin on 2010-09-13 04:11:33
Thank you! I am trying to find a form with more fields for my clients. Can you help me?
by: hamid on 2009-05-27 12:39:15
this forum is useful
by: chrys on 2009-01-03 18:24:41
Thank you for all of this magic!! It's rare to find such a talented person to be so extremely generous to the rest of us who are not as talented!
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2007-08-19 16:06:54
sorry, not with this tool right now, which is for capturing forms and manually checking the submissions.
by: Lidia on 2007-08-09 05:03:47
question actually - how do i post entries immediately on same page?
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2007-06-25 03:54:50
*Update: The form capture code has been updated to capture all fields with identical names.
by: Jacques on 2007-06-09 07:39:26
I want to thank you for Desighning this php form grabber. It is absolutyly amazing. It saves me from purhasing a full on php site. Well done.
by: vishnu on 2007-04-29 10:11:58
i must thank this website. Because of this i earn thousands of rupees per month
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2007-01-03 23:44:33
correct. data is stored on this site with privacy safeguards. the site admin can access the data if necessary, otherwise it is kept in complete confidence.
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2006-12-25 04:20:35
*Update: You can now download all submitted records while viewing them.
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2006-12-21 03:09:02
Update: You can now delete unwanted post records while viewing them.
by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2006-12-07 19:22:36
thank you. currently there is no mechanism to update/delete entries. you can register anew and change to the code in the form. or send me the email you used to register and i'll delete those entries after confirming with you. i'm thinking to add a delete botton so people can delete indiv entries themselves. hopefully soon.
by: Diana on 2006-12-04 07:43:25
Hi. I am currently building a webpage for a school project. I have been playing around with the forms and I would like to get rid of all of the Votes i submitted. How can I reset the form?

BTW- This is an awesone service, Thank you.

by: rh [admin]Site Admin on 2006-02-12 02:34:43
thanks for the note. your statement is correct and your concern is well-founded.
my rebuttal: i have been running this site for a few years and will not jeopardize my credibility by abusing the trust placed on this site.
while no guarantees are made on usage fitness, it is up to an individual's level of comfort to use or not use the tools provided.

by: Jamie on 2006-02-10 20:38:30
These scripts are really useful.
The one thing I find slightly concerning is the fact that all the the information from my forms is sent to you at this website. I'm not too comfortable with that. other than that - I'm fine.
They really are awsome scripts :D

by: Gotzhaus Abun Tur on 2005-07-04 08:26:16
I found the scriopts to be very useful.

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