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7 Client Attraction Questions You Must Ask Your Target Audience

7 Client Attraction Questions You Must Ask Your Target Audience If you are currently in a corporate job, you won't know the first thing about starting and running a business. Therefore, you may be initially pinched for both time and money. Yet, once you've defined your idea and defined who your best and favorite client is, you need to do some Client Attraction Marketing and sales. How to do this with limited time and money is the question many people have all over the world. My advice is always the same - put yourself in your ideal client's well-worn shoes and ask yourself these questions:

1. What is it that keeps them up at night worrying?

2. What is the biggest struggle they encounter on a daily basis?

3. What is the biggest improvement they could make in their lives, if they used your product or service?

4. What would they buy before and after your product or service?

5. Where do they shop? Where do they hang out?

6. What do they read?

7. What would they pay anything and do anything to solve or achieve?

Sometimes, my clients have a difficult time getting answers to these questions. This is when I recommend asking your ideal client directly. Make a list of the 5 clients you currently have that you would like to attract in large numbers. These are your favorite clients, the ones who got the best results from you and you LOVE working with. Contact them, and let them know that you are working on new marketing material and need their help (most will be honored that you asked them and will jump at this opportunity to help you) and that you'd like to ask them a few questions over the phone. Tell them it will take 30 minutes to 1 hour to answer the questions above, and then setup a time to talk. Consider doing this over lunch so you can really spend some time with them on this.

If you don't currently work with your ideal client, then become a client detective. Find another adult that fits your client profile, preferably someone connected to lots of others who have the same need. Remember, birds of a feather flock together. Does your ideal client live on the other side of the globe? If so, you don't need to jump on an airplane to do your detective work. Just locate a Foreign National business association in your area and attend one of their monthly meetings. Or, just write the president of the association with your questions. You'll get the information you need on how to approach this client, what their struggles are, and how to position yourself in the future to attract that type of client effortlessly.

Skipping this research is the biggest mistake new entrepreneurs make. They assume they know their target market, and focus on building a product or service that they "think" people will want. They write little slogans that their friends love, but aren't worth a hill of beans when it comes to attracting clients consistently. The marketing effort then becomes laborious and costly because you don't have a clear message.

About the Author:

Kim Schott, created the Keys to Client Communication System to help struggling self-employed professionals master Client Attraction Marketing while increasing their revenue, and taking more time off. Signup for our FREE eZine ($107 value) by visiting www.SchottCulturalConsulting.com

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