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Approval from Yourself to Make DecisionsApproval from Yourself to Make Decisions I don't know what's in the stars but this week seems to be a week of action! Nearly everyone in my world from clients to friends to family is acting on major decisions they've debated upon for weeks or months. This week, almost magically, they're moving forward. It's terribly exciting. The wisdom to make these decisions falls into three simple but effective tips: 1) Know when 'enough is enough' with considering options. 2) Take action in a timely and efficient manner. 3) Learn from your 20/20 hindsight. On knowing when enough is enough with your processing, know this: a) you've gone over all scenarios until you're bordering analysis paralysis; b) you've sought out appropriate advisors for their input; c) you know in your heart what is right, so d) you're ready to move forward. Why belabor the process? Some of us feel we need approval to take action. My experience is that the only person we need approval from is ourselves. Some live in agonizing fear and self-doubt: "Am I making a mistake?" If you need more time or facts, get them. If not, enough is enough. On knowing when to take action, I applaud decisive individuals who know when the time has come to act, period. Whether it is deciding which Blackberry to purchase or when to leave a relationship, no more energy need go into this scenario. Set your sights on the future. What now opens up to you now? Where would you like to place your valuable time and energy? What's the best strategy to get what you want? Learning from your 20/20 hindsight is too often overlooked. We mistakenly get caught up in guilt: "Why did it take me so long to make this decision?" or in second guessing ourselves: "How could I have done what I did?" "How did I allow this to happen?" The key is to 'get the learning.' What is there for you to learn from taking weeks instead of hours or even minutes to take this action? What did this cost you? What will you change next time? Is it a matter of scheduling the appropriate time to do your research? Is it procrastination or simply not asking the right questions? Valuable data is available to us every minute of every day if we'll slow down long enough to take it in. Life is too short to be indecisive. What major decisions can you take action on this week to simplify your life, create more freedom or income, and keep moving forward? Go for it! Trust yourself and have an action-packed week! About the Author: Supporting the coaching of corporate clients toward greater success, Master Certified Coach Ann Golden Eglé's current weekly "Success Thought for the Week" can be enjoyed as an aid to your individual success. You can sign up here: www.GVAsuccess.com or email: [email protected]. ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------