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Handle Any Media Interview Like a Pro

Handle Any Media Interview Like a Pro Are your story pitches to reporters working? If you have succeed in landing a media interview, congratulations! This is a great opportunity to show off your expertise and convince your audiences (readers, radio listeners, TV viewers) why they should hire you to help them meet their business or personal objectives.

Here are some trade secrets I've learned over 25 years as a PR professional and journalist on how to prepare for - and win - any media interview:

Before the Interview

·Never do an interview cold. Prepare yourself.

·Learn what you can about the publication, audience, interviewer and story. Read the reporter's last couple of stories.

·Start with a goal. Visualize the "headline." What would you like the story to say?

·Review your 5-6 "must-say" message points that make your case.

·Practice answers to all potential questions. Have your staff grill you. They will enjoy it. You probably won't, but it will make your answers more potent.

During the Interview

·If it is a phone interview, remove all distractions. Get into the proper mindset.

·Keep message points in front of you. Repeat your messages 2-3 times during interview to make sure they get into the story.

·Speak through the reporter to your audience. Picture a potential customer and pretend you are talking with him or her directly. This is very effective.

·Learn to take yes for an answer. Skilled salespeople say that once you make the sale, don't keep selling! Same goes for interviews. Once you make your point and you are sure the reporter gets it, shut up and move on. There is a temptation to embellish your answer for a few more minutes because you know so much about the topic at hand.

·Be engaging and friendly.

·Speak slowly. Remember, the reporter has to understand you well enough to explain it to others.

·Don't repeat a negative question; it will end up as part of your quotes in the story. Stay positive.

·Don't criticize your competitors by name - you're giving them free PR. If you hammer home what makes your product or service unique, your potential customers will figure out the differences for themselves.

·Never lie. Just say you can't discuss a particular topic.

·Don't guess. "I don't know. I'll get back to you on it," is a fine answer. Say you will call back and then DO it.

·Make your points easily understood, e.g., Use clarifying statements to get a reporter's attention to make sure he/she pays attention when you give your messages: For example: 1)"The three most critical issues are..." 2)"There are three main points to remember here...." 3)"The most important aspect of this whole situation is...." 4)"The people who will be most affected by this are..." 5)"Let me summarize." ·

· Let the reporter use a tape recorder for accuracy. You can use one too for verification. Might come in handy if there is a dispute later on a quote.

· In a confrontational interview, keep to the high road. Don't be defensive. Avoid emotion.

·Always stay in control of an interview. Even if the reporter is rapid-firing questions at you, it is OK to think before you speak. They can't quote you on something you didn't say. In this day of one-minute TV stories that are considered in-depth, pausing to think before answering a difficult question can be perceived as being stymied. Still, go for substance over style.

·Never say flatly, "No comment." It makes it appear as though you are hiding something negative.Always give a reason, even if it is non-committal,e.g., "We can't discuss anything in litigation," "We don't discuss personnel matters," "We don't respond to rumors," or "Once our new product is ready to announce, we will do so."

Practice these techniques to stay in control of your interviews. Positive press is a very powerful engine for success!

About the Author:

Robert Deigh is president of RDC Communication/PR and author of the upcoming PR book "How Come No One Knows About Us?"(WBusinessBooks, May '08). For a free full chapter, "16 Ways to Come Up With Story Ideas That Will Attract Press," contact [email protected] www.rdccommunication.com

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