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How to Make a Smooth and Successful Career ShiftHow to Make a Smooth and Successful Career Shift You've gotten bored of your current job, and you've considered whether or not it's time to move on. You've weighed the pros and cons. And, ultimately, you've decided it's time to shift careers. Now what? Making a move to a new career can be incredibly exciting, but it can also be frightening. That's understandable, since you're leaving stability in order to make a move into the unknown. But it may be helpful to know that there are actually some solid steps you can take in order to make this transition as smooth and as comfortable as possible. Just follow this three-part formula: 1) Do your research. Your new career is going to require new skills, new knowledge, and a strong understanding of a new industry. Prepare yourself by reading up and doing all the necessary research on that industry. Read specialty or trade publications, do some online surfing, contact friends or colleagues in the field you'll be moving into, and so on. Utilize all the resources at your disposal in order to develop a solid base of knowledge for your new career. 2) Bring relevant skills with you. Even though you're transitioning into a new field and a new occupation, there is likely to be a lot of overlap. But many people make the mistake of completely clearing the slate and not recognizing the places where their old skills can help them in their new jobs. For example, let's say you've left your job at a bank to open up your own bakery. Well, just because your new job is creative, don't let yourself swing too far over to the artistic side without bringing along some of your business savvy. Remember that all jobs require a balance of creativity and professionalism—you can use your head for numbers to create a cost-saving budget and invest your profits in wise ways. Even if you're making a less dramatic shift—say, from public relations to advertising—you will still need to demonstrate to potential employers that being new to the industry doesn't mean you're starting from scratch. This idea that skill sets overlap from industry to industry is an important one to keep in mind as you shift careers because it will provide a sense of emotional continuity. 3) Don't change everything all at once. If you quit your job, move to a new city, break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, buy a dog, start a new career and purchase a new home all in the span of a month, you're setting yourself up for emotional frenzy. Make life easier for yourself, and make change more palatable, by taking small steps, and take them one at a time. Try to maintain as much continuity as you can while making the big change of shifting careers. About the Author: Ken Anczerewicz is an author and publisher devoted to providing time & money saving resources designed to help students of all ages achieve their financial goals. Learn how to create your own income stream by clicking here now: www.resourceriver.com ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------