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Must Dos in 2009Must Dos in 2009 Marketing is undergoing a revolution. Out with the broadcasting and in with relationships and collaboration. The Web 2.0 technology has changed the way we use the internet as consumers and as businesses. Don't get to end of December 2009 to find out you've been paddling upstream or worse still been in a back water whilst your competitors have forged ahead having conversations and gaining customers that could have been yours! So, to get you started, the must dos are 1. Get a Twitter Account - This is not just a micro-blogging tool but is a phenomenon that is set to take the world by storm. You send and respond to messages (tweets) that can only be up to 140 characters long - now that concentrates the mind. If your tweets are interesting, then other people will follow you and if you become boring or irritating, then they will stop! Easy! Well that's the concept! But there is much more to twitter than just that. How you use it to build relationships, talk to people who you previously had no access, listen to what your customers and saying about you and what they want. You can see, this is certainly powerful - and just like other stuff on the web, it can be abused. Get a Twitter account, find some people to follow. Promote your twitter account on your website, email account, newsletter etc encouraging people to follow you. 2. Create a Group and Fan Page on Facebook - Facebook has had some ups and downs in 2008. This year will see Facebook be used increasingly for business. With 120m members, and still growing, this is the largest public database! So far, we have the get rich, live life of your dreams businesses trading there. But, there are huge opportunities to set up a group discussing areas of interest relating to your business. Use this to demonstrate your expertise and credibility. Build the trust to make the sales. Have clarity in what you will offer and what you want from it. Set up a fan page when you have a buzz around your company and services. This then positions your company as a separate entity from your personal profile. You can also have other people adding content to the page. A collective eases the pressure. Advertising on Facebook is relatively cheap. As it uses different rules from Google PPC, your adverts show only when the parameters meet the person. Develop your vision for Facebook and prepare your content. Create a groups page and/or a fan page. Make it fun and engaging and people will arrive, comment. You will learn, build trust and grow your business. 3. Groups and Networks - Being part of a group will become more important as the cold winds of recession whistle around. Creating communities or forums for respite from the chills helps you to build a following, build credibility and of course sales. Basic forums are available on CollectiveX and Ning. Sign up for these. Join existing groups so you can see what works well - by participating you will be making new connections, learning and building credibility. You can set up your group when you develop your own style. These can be for just customers and clients or open to all comers! 4. Information Products - These will continue to grow, partly due to those chilly winds but also we are all suffering from the infoglut and the lack of time. The successful products in 2009 will take the reader, listener or viewer through simple steps to develop and deliver resolution to their worry, or concern or undertake some sort of learning. 5. Google Applications - Google Reader and Alerts will increasing help us manage the amount of information available. 6. Subjects, Titles, Headings - These become the sorting agents on whether people read or not in 2009. Facing increasing numbers of emails and demands on our attention, we will become increasingly selective in what we read and spend time on. So, a catchy, easy to understand title in less than 35 characters will be necessary to avoid the delete or back key. Don't just read these and skip to the next article. Each item takes time to set up. They have to be co-ordinated with your existing activities. So, set time aside to work out how, when, and what you will be doing in 2009. About the Author: Karen Purves runs Have More Clients. Want to know more ways to have more clients? Discover how to use Twitter for marketing with a *free report* at havemoreclients.com ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------