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Do You Need a Kick In The Pants?

Do You Need a Kick In The Pants? How to Revitalize your Business Even in a Sluggish Economy:

Have you lost that "lovin" feeling for your work and maybe even your personal life too? Your passion, your ambition, your zest for your business has taken a nose dive? You look at your desk and it's piled high with stacks of files, your emails are multiplying like bunnies in springtime and you're just plain tired, even though you've been fueling up with Starbucks Venti Lattes to get you in gear.

When you turn on the radio, or watch the news or skim the news in paper or on your computer, you are bombarded with reports of the downturn in the economy. Whew! Put all this together and no wonder your energy has left the building! What you may need is a dose of revitalization. Here's the kick in the pants you are looking for:

Top 3 Ways to Re-Energize Your Work, Your Bank Account and your Personal Life

1. Take Time OFF - It's so easy for us to let our work consume our lives. 24-7 we are living, breathing and thinking about our businesses! Time Out! Even though it seems counter-intuitive, it's critical that you take time off so that you can clear your mind and re-energize your body, mind and spirit. As soon as I detect "burnout" in myself or my personal coaching clients, I immediately whip out my prescription pad, Take Time Off! You may fear that taking time off will compromise your business. The bigger truth may be that your business and your bank account will suffer if you don't! Be smart and be strategic about taking a break. Don't think that you can take off an entire week this month? That's ok. Take a 1, 2 or 3 day mini-break and do what moves your spirit. The only hard-fast rule? Do absolutely NO work related activities during your break.

2. Have an "Opposite Day" - Remember this from grade school? Try this tomorrow. Mix up your day and change up your routines. For example; return calls late in the day, if you normally make your calls in the am, drive a different route to an appointment, pay attention to what you see, have your next client meeting at a brand new restaurant, or take a walk in the woods and bring your brown bag lunch. Shaking up the routine of life will give you more energy AND improve your mood which in turn will give you a new perspective. All very positive things!

3. Try a New Strategy - Review your business plan and your strategies. Is there something on your list that you aren't doing that you'd actually like to do more of? Maybe you've got an idea for some brand new way to offer your service. Notice your energy. What gets your creative juices flowing? I've had clients try their hand at offering tele-seminars, writing an e-book, and giving their first workshop, all with great success because the project was fueled by their passion. Passion can be quite profitable!

About the Author:

Learn more about Diana and receive your FREE Report, "3 Huge Mistakes People Like You Make to Sabotage Their Success & How You Can Completely Avoid Them!" and FREE subscription to "Life & Work Design Secrets" e-newsletter, please visit www.DianaLong.com .

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