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Never Give up in MLMNever Give up in MLM They say that it's when you give you that you were actually the closest to your goal... Except that you'll never know because you gave up! There are a few things in my life I let go and didn't pursue, because maybe at the time, I gave myself excuses and reasons, that it wouldn't be worth it, when in reality I was probably scared to face reality. A reality that could have changed my life... I sometimes wonder how things would be, had I not given up or let the opportunity pass by. But I am a believer that things happen for a reason, so I don't stop too long pondering on things like that. And while I was writing this article, I came across this quote by Henry D. Thoreau: "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." This fits in perfectly with what I wanted to say. And there are no coincidences. What you focus on is what is going to define your success. And defining success is the key. What you really need to do is get busy to achieve what you want and what needs to be done. Success is too vague. What you want to accomplish is your goals, your dreams and your purpose. Success, whatever form it will take for you, will be the result of those achievements. When you start your MLM business, especially if you are new to the industry, you have a lot to learn. Don't expect "success" overnight. It is work, but fun work, fulfilling work. It also brings you closer to your dreams with every new meeting, every new exposure. It is a learning experience, which affects your MLM business but also everything else you do. You have to keep busy. Not busy bee kind of busy. Efficient busy, where you question yourself and use the advice that your up line leaders give you, where you follow the system. If results don't show straight away, ask yourself what you see in this business, remind yourself why you joined in the first place and that you always knew that it wasn't going to be free money landing on your lap. Remind yourself that it is YOUR business, your baby that you want to grow and that you can't let down. Keep doing your work, keep your activities, carry on with your life and give it all 100%. Work at everything you do with passion. Keep your vision and one day, you'll wake up to realize that you are successful and have always been. You are successful because you are taking charge of your life and not giving up, because you understand that it is YOU, and only YOU who can change things in your life. Time flies and one year is nothing in the greater scale of the universe. Commit today to be busy and not looking for success for one full year. Be busy focusing on your dreams, what you want your reality to be in twelve months' time. Success will come to you. Just don't give up! About the Author: Florence Bernard - Network Marketing professional/entrepreneur. Florence Bernard is a great believer in the leveraging power of network marketing and enjoys learning from it. She also founded her parental consultant business: Better At School. www.doitasyoufeel.com www.formulatomlmsuccess.com www.yourgreatmlm.com ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------