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The Secret to Raising Your Rates Without Turning Away Clients or Prospects!The Secret to Raising Your Rates Without Turning Away Clients or Prospects! QUOTE: "If you know what to do to reach your goal, it's not a big enough goal." Bob Proctor, Author and Speaker Now, I know from experience that great Client Attraction Marketing has no regard for price. The good news is that you have so many different options to raise your rates for your local and global clients. Let's first look at five reasons for wanting to raise your rates. Number One - Perception is reality. If you're giving your item away, you better be doing it because you have a client attractive backend product or service. And, you better be able to do lots of volume. Number Two - You have too many clients and not enough time. Number Three - Catching up with the marketplace. Number Four - Creating exclusivity in the marketplace. Don't make your client justify your cost for herself/himself. If you think your global clientele is going to gasp from "sticker shock" then you need to set them up with a client attractive headline, "Before I tell you how much this is, let me ask you a question..." Number Five - You want to make more than you're making now within the hours that you have. People are sensitive to price in an absolutely crazy way. They'll shop clear across town to save 30 cents on a six-pack of bottled tap water, and then drop an insane amount of cash for a new car that loses half its value the second it's driven off the lot. Why do adults from every culture around the world do this? Clients who study my Keys to Client Communication System know. It's in our mental software, which shapes our cultural values. Finding a store with cheaper bottled water feels like a small victory. Buying a new Mercedes or Rolls Royce is more like joining a special club, or adopting a new identity. People will pay what it costs to get what they want. And it's not the deal you get... it's the deal you think you get. All we need is a good reason, and we'll buy your stuff. With 100% clarity, you need to be confident about the results you bring your local and global clients. Then raising your rates is not a big deal. This week, consider these three tidbits from the trenches: The quickest and easiest way to raise or even set your rates is to model your prices after a successful colleague in your industry. Try bumping up your prices incrementally. Let's say, just for a round number, if you're charging $400 (or, 300 EUR) a month or $400 a session, then maybe you just bump it up an extra $100 every few months. Try offering three different programs or infoproducts with three different prices. If you are a Direct Marketing, Network Marketing, or independent consultant, consider using my system to create a infoproduct around what you sell. For example, if you sell financial products, then create an audio CD or downloadable document that contains 10 reasons why the average person needs to become financially savvy. About the Author: Kim Schott, your Global Client Communication Expert, is the author of the Keys to Client Communication System, the step-by-step, paint by numbers client attraction program to attract more clients in less time. To receive your weekly how-to articles on consistantly attracting more local and global clients in less time, visit www.SchottCulturalConsulting.com ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------