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How to Recession Proof Your Business Even In Today's Struggling EconomyHow to Recession Proof Your Business Even In Today's Struggling Economy There's good news coming from the West Coast in the manner of economic recovery. Word's out that it's possible to dig your way out of the recent economic struggle of businesses closing their doors and going under. Looking on the bright side, making lemonade out of lemons, and refusing to give up are American mottos that have carried this great nation and it's people through early settlement, numerous wars, slavery, civil uprisings, and a great depression that had many people leaping to their deaths over lost fortunes in the crash of the 1929 stock market. "Brother can you spare a dime," was a quote made famous during the era of the 1930's, as well as, visual images of people living in alleyways lined with card board boxes. While we are all very hopeful that President Barack Obama's term will allow his Office to assist in improving our countries present condition; nevertheless, we cannot just stand by and think that this is all for his Presidency to carry as a burden. We must not solely rely on the government or President Barack Obama to provide us with the change we need. Even the global economic picture is not much better, as jobs internationally are scarce. Banks also failed overseas and economic forecasts were inaccurate there, as well as here. January 2009's unemployment rose to 11.6 million and over the past 12 months, the number of unemployed people has increased by 4.1 million in the United States, according to the Department of Labor's - Bureau of Labor Statistics most recent release. Being in the red is the predominant state forecast. Traditional brick and mortar businesses are folding; while their employees are working until the doors close wondering where their next job and paycheck will come from. American workers are being faced with the harsh reality that the companies they have built their lives and self-image around are coming to an end. As some of the unemployed head into over crowed shelters in towns across America the survivors are the ones that will adapt to change. So where is the good news? In the aftermath of failing businesses across the country, new ventures have been opening their doors ~ virtually. Internet industries have been developing an online presence since before Tim Burners-Lee's W3 (WorldWideWeb) went up online, during the early 1990's; since Delphi pioneered in offering Internet online services, free web pages, chat rooms, and message boards for community building by the near end of 1992. The use of social networking platforms such as LinkedIn.com have increased our ability to connect globally. The Internet has become easier for business owners to network, make vital business connections, and receive important recommendations of their services or products directly into their email inbox. This is the time for small business owners to succeed by utilizing grassroots efforts including word of mouth advertising. Currently, the numbers of online business start-ups were on the upturn during 2008. Existing businesses put web portals up and new promising entrepreneurs made a move from brick-n-mortar to a virtual, more sustainable, affordable, means of creating an online business presence. It is now apparent that we must not, no, we can not, continue to do what we have always done or we will continue to receive the results we have always received. By utilizing our basic nature to congregate, network and mingle we can use these specific steps to recession proof any business venture. About the Author: Sharifah Hardie is Google's #1 Ranked "Professional Business Consultant." For speaking engagements or consulting services contact Sharifah Hardie at: (888) 295-4811 or online at: http://www.SharifahHardie.com . ---------- This article is distributed on behalf of the author by SubmitYOURArticle.com SubmitYOURArticle.com is a trading name of Takanomi Limited. Takanomi Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 5629683. Registered office: 31 St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ. Full contact details are at takanomi.com ---------- ------------------------------------