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"How to Get Your Blog Published on Amazon's Kindle""How to Get Your Blog Published on Amazon's Kindle"By Merle Merlesworld.com When Oprah announced on her show that she "LOVES" Amazon's Kindle, millions of people rushed out to get one. First introduced in 2007, the "Kindle" is Amazon's electronic replacement for books. It's a portable, wireless device that allows you to download books, magazines, newspapers, even blogs instantly and take them with you anywhere. Since the Kindle can hold over 1,500 books, that's like carrying around an entire library in the palm of your hand. The wireless connection is built in and provided at no charge by Amazon. There's also a built in browser for viewing websites and reading emails. Amazon's Kindle Store has over 230,000 ebooks to download, plus U.S. and International newspapers, magazines, even blogs. Almost all of the ebooks sell for $9.99 or less. The latest model is a larger more improved Kindle DX which was made available this year. Boosting a bigger screen and longer battery life, it can even read to you out loud. Now that makes for a nice bedtime story. It also holds over 3,500 books and sells for about $489.00. The Kindle can also display PDF's which you can transfer from your computer with a USB cable. The older versions of the Kindle could read PDF's and Word documents, but they had to be emailed to Amazon first to convert them to a format readable by the Kindle. This option is still available as well. So what does all this mean to you? Well, if you're a blog publisher you can now publish your blogs in the Kindle Store where users can subscribe to them for a monthly fee. This is a great way to make some money and increase your subscriber base all at the same time. First you'll need to go to kindlepublishing.amazon.com to set up an account and submit your blogs for approval. Once approved your Blog "goes live" in the Kindle Store within 12 to 48 hours. The Kindle gives the user full text and images from the blogs they are subscribed to, which unlike an RSS feed only gives you the headlines. When submitting your blog for approval here's the information you'll need: 1) Blog Title 2) Blog Tagline 3) Description 4) Image from top of your blog (banner or masthead) 5) Screenshot of your blog (optional) 6) Posting Frequency It's really pretty simple to get your blogs listed. So how does the payment process work? Good question, nice to see you're paying attention. You'll be paid 30% of the monthly blog subscription price. Amazon sets the price, not you. It's priced on what they think is a "fair value" for their customers. For example, my two blogs were set at $0.99 a month. All blog subscriptions are free for the first 14 days. Then they're billed at the monthly subscription price. Blogs are wirelessly updated throughout the day. You'll be paid by check or EFT, your choice. Electronic Funds Transfer has no charge, but if you opt for a paper check and live in the U.S. you'll have an $8.00 fee attached. Payments are sent once your earnings reach $50.00. If you publish a blog I'd strongly encourage you to get it listed in Amazon's Kindle Store. It won't cost you a thing but a few minutes of your time and makes for great free exposure.. For more on the Kindle see: There's a forum for issues related to Kindle for blogs at forums.kindlecentral.com/forums/index.jspa