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Understanding Personal Injury Law and Knowing When You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

When in an accident caused by someone else's carelessness or deliberate actions, one of the first thoughts that goes through most people's minds after the panic and relief subsides, is whether they should seek out a personal injury lawyer. It's an understandable thought - one that could be acted upon, but only after you have armed yourself with all the right information. First, you should know what personal injury law is, whether you even need a personal injury lawyer, and when you should choose one.

What Is Personal Injury Law?

This type of law focuses on recompensing you should you experience injuries, lost wages, disfigurement, or any form of harm - both physically and emotionally - due to some other person's negligence or willful conduct.

Do You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you have been seriously injured as the result of another person's negligence, you should definitely seek advice from an experienced personal injury lawyer. This is not necessarily because you're filing for a suit before the day ends. It just means you need a professional check whether there are grounds for a lawsuit, and if so, whether a lawsuit is the best choice in your case. There is no need to worry about payment at this point, as most initial meetings with personal injury lawyers are for free. Financial compensation will be discussed when you decide to hire the lawyer. The usual practice in personal injury cases is for your lawyer to foot whatever bill the case might require, and only be paid when the case is concluded. If you don't get a settlement, he doesn't either.

When Should You Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer?

You should consult a personal injury lawyer as soon after the injury as possible. There are a lot of reasons why you should do this. First, your memory is never as fresh as when you've just been through the experience. This applies to other people involved as well. You want the evidence intact as there's usually a need for photographs, witnesses' accounts, etc. Second, most probably, the other person involved is going to have people on their side - insurance investigators, their own lawyer - looking into the situation and you need to have someone who's experienced in dealing with similar cases on your side as well. And third, there are usually limits to the filing of claims, else they get terminated. For instance, unless other factors are involved, a Wisconsin negligence lawsuit should be filed within three years of the injury. There are also different limitations attached when the conduct is intentional, or if governmental entities are involved. Your personal injury lawyer can tell you the specific limitations for your case, and assist you in acting on it accordingly.

It's bad enough that you have to suffer through injuries caused by someone else. Don't make things harder for yourself. Be proactive and seek a personal injury lawyer to help you understand your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

Keith Stachowiak is a Milwaukee personal injury attorney with Murphy and Practhauser. For a free assessment of your personal injury situation, or visit: www.murphyprachthauser.com/

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