Financial Markets Book Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us
An Easy Guide To Money, Bonds, Futures, Stocks, Options, And Mutual Funds
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by Robert Hashemian

Page 40

Venture Capital - This method of financing has been gaining momentum in recent years. An individual or a company known as the investment banker enters a financial partnership with the nascent business in return for a sizeable stake in the company. Since the venture capitalist assumes a great deal of monetary risk, it expects full accountability from the business owner(s) and may involve itself in the day-to-day operation of the company if it sees fit. The venture capitalist may have the option to take the company public, sell the company, or make changes to the company's board of directors. If the business fails, the venture capitalist stands to lose the entire investment.

Buying And Selling

This type of activity could start from a hobby. Some people like to browse around garage sales or attend auctions to pick up items which they can later resell at a profit. These items range from antique collectibles, such as coins and stamps, to cars to houses. If you have a good eye for bargains, buying and selling maybe the right work for you. It doesn't take a lot of money to start and if you are really good at it you can expand it into a full-time business. Just like anything else, however, there are drawbacks. First, you must be willing to spend a lot of time locating the right places to buy and sell. You will also have to consider competitive, seasonal, and geographical factors in this kind of work. Marketing your business may also present you with challenges, as you may need to rely on advertising or other tactics to make yourself known to the buyers and sellers. You might start this as a part-time activity to gauge your talents and interest in buying and selling. Once you have established a successful plan, you may be able to go into it full time and be well rewarded.

Financial Investing

Finally, you may decide to dabble in the financial markets. There are countless paths available to get started and be successful. Of course

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Table of Contents
Copyright and Disclaimer
Book Chapters
Table of Contents Copyright and Disclaimer Foreword Money
Bonds Futures Stocks Options
Mutual Funds Retirement Final Words Appendix A

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