Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us An Easy Guide To Money, Bonds, Futures, Stocks, Options, And Mutual Funds |
Page 62 As such you may be tempted to believe that human emotion would play a role in determining the prices of bonds, and you would be right. If the buyers or sellers believe that the value of the bonds are or will be higher than their current levels, prices would certainly rise. The reverse is also true. Bond prices fall if buyers cannot justify paying for them at current prices. To generalize, essentially all financial markets must grapple with human psychology. This should be an obvious point, since after all financial markets are made up of people trading financial instruments. Prices rise and fall in response to people's sentiments, which are at times driven by facts and other times by rumors. But nowhere is human sentiment more evident than the stock and bond markets. Perhaps this is due to the large number and variety of people participating in these markets. More on this when we cover the stock market. Some of the factors affecting bond prices include: Economic News |
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