Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us An Easy Guide To Money, Bonds, Futures, Stocks, Options, And Mutual Funds |
Page 140 shares of Ford stock, at which point you would be neutral with regards to your 20 shares. Long and short positions describe your account with respect to your stock holdings without regards of profit or loss. This concept becomes important when we cover shorting stocks. Just remember, long means buying and short means selling. You can think of long and short in terms of positive and negative with respect to each stock you trade. In a regular account (cash or margin) there are four types of orders you can place. They are:
There you have it: four types of orders. The buy and sell orders are pretty straightforward and I am sure you have that figured out. When you buy a number of shares, you are betting that the price of those shares will increase over time. For example, you may buy 20 shares of Ford at $50 per share in the hopes of profiting when the Ford stock moves higher. You may buy these shares using cash or margin, and you … |
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