Financial Markets For The Rest Of Us An Easy Guide To Money, Bonds, Futures, Stocks, Options, And Mutual Funds |
Page 355 combination of styles to achieve their objectives. Some of these styles are: Aggressive Growth - Invested in aggressive growth stocks. High return potential but also high risk. Blended - Invested in both growth and value stocks. Growth And Income - Invested in a combination of growth and value stocks and possibly some bonds. High-Yield Bond - Invested in junk bonds, which pay high interests but have a risk of default. Precious Metal - Invested in precious metals and stocks from companies with mining interests. Socially Responsible - Invested in stocks and bonds of companies that have good environmental records, do not produce tools of war, or are not involved in alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Emerging Market - Invested in securities from emerging markets such as those from South America, south central Asia, Middle East, and ex-Eastern block countries. Zero Coupon - Invested in zero coupon bonds, which do not make coupon payments but pay principal and accrued interest in one lump sum at maturity. Religious Funds - Invested in stocks and bonds of companies associated with certain religions. … |
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