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Wordpress Base64 Hack or PHP-CGI Hack? part II

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To be factual about it, my site was hacked twice in exactly the same way over a period of couple of weeks. The first time around I noticed it when the feeds coming via Feedburner kept crashing the RSS readers because of a javascript malware block inserted right at the top of the feed. Turns out that the php files in my wordpress installation were altered to emit the offending javascript block.

Surely the hacker must have exploited some wordpress vulnerability, I thought. A quick search on the web for wordpress base64 hack, brings up plenty of pages covering such hacking cases.

I started out by examining the MySQL tables by doing a global search for terms such as base64 or eval. The wp_options table had plenty of such entries. At first it seemed like I had found the hacker's stash. wp_options is where wordpress and the plugins save their parameter data. There were also lots of entries with the "transient" keyword. In the end they turned out to be innocuous. Transients could become real nuisances, but that's a different topic.

With the database search behind me, I put the focus on the files. Deep searching for base64_decode and eval, produced a number of them. Here's a simple command to achieve this search:

$ grep -rl base64_decode *

Some of the hits were legitimate, but eventually I ran into two types of files that were obvious hacks. The first type were mostly legitimate index.php files that had been altered with a giant code block right at the top. The blocks were of the base64_decode(eval(long-hex-string)); variety. Removing the block appeared to restore the files back to their original form. The other type were small-sized php files with varied names containing one or two lines of code like eval(stripslashes($_REQUEST['a']));. This code would basically execute raw code passed in as a parameter to the page, very simple, very effective, and very dangerous.

Armed with that knowledge I went snooping around the site looking for small-sized files and any files that had been altered recently.

$ find -size -1k -name *php
$ find -mtime -7 -name *php

The first command returns php files that are 1kb or less in size. The second returns php files that are modified in the last 7 days. I dug through the long list of files, fixed the altered files by removing the malicious code blocks and then deleted the small dropped-in files.

Finally I upgraded the wordpress installation to the latest version and everything was back to good, or so I thought. Within about two weeks I was hacked again in almost the same way as the first time. How did I recover from it and plugged the hole? Hint: PHP was the actual culprit. Stay tuned …

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