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Opting out of PayPal’s Personalized Shopping

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Every now and again companies send their users updated terms of service, with the stipulation that the continuing usage of their services constitutes a tacit agreement to the new terms.

These are usually long and boring documents filled with legalese and in most cases users simply ignore them. I have been guilty of that myself many times. The concern is that companies are fully aware of this widespread user apathy and bury clauses in those notices that may be objectionable or undesirable by many.

Case in point, PayPal’s personalized shopping privacy choice. I’m sure at some point I received a terms of service update from PayPal with this option buried in it. But I never noticed it, until I just happened to see something about it on an online publication.

This choice permits PayPal to share (meaning sell) your personal info with whomever they wish, or as they call it, with participating stores. And yes, it is on by default.

What’s the point of offering privacy options, if companies constantly come up with new tricky ways to defeat their users’ privacy choices?

In this case if you’d like to opt out of PayPal’s data sharing, here’s the link.

PayPal’s Personalized Shopping

Until the next time and the next trickery.

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