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Enough wardrobe malfunction

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I'm not a sports fan and couldn't care less who the opposing football finale teams were, but even I got a glimpse of the Godaddy ad online. I also heard that Cindy Crawford and Dennis Rodman made appearances during the game commercials, but the consensus was that the ads were just too watered down. Advertisers were obviously too scared to raise the ire of the FCC after the Janet Jackson incident last year and they stayed on the cautious side. And for those who strayed a bit, their ads ended up in the censored list and didn't make it to the prime time.

One of the ads that partially aired was from Godaddy. It depicted a well-endowed and scantily-clad woman giving a testimony in front of a mock decency assembly. I like Godaddy. Their domain registration service is by far one of the best values in the business. I am already a customer, so the ad would have made no difference in my opinion. But despite the company CEO's railings against the establishment, the ad just didn't resonate with me. Obviously it was a jab at last year's "wardrobe malfunction" controversy, but it had little in terms of useful content, and the delivery was stale and lacked originality. If I hear the phrase "wardrobe malfunction" one more time, I'm going to get nauseous.

Enough already. We get the point a thousand times over. It's time to move on to more original phrases; a fresh approach. Wardrobe malfunction is so yesterday and if you still find it humorous, you're still stuck in last year's super bowl, whoever the opposing teams were.

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