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Hilary Duff

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We have a winner, at least for the time being. In my household Hilary Duff is all the rage these days. At some point, when we weren't looking, the teen marketing machine ensnared my two daughters, which means some of my hard-earned money is going to Hilary's coffers and those of her agents.

Last night we watched A Cinderella Story, a cute movie about high school romance, fitting in, and parental pressures. Hilary's latest CD has dethroned my Green Day CD in the car. Fortunately I found my Green Day CD tossed indignantly in the back of the glove compartment and salvaged it before it was scratched.

Hilary, you'd better enjoy your pre-eminent position in my house. I'm certain that today's fickle teen loyalty will replace you with another idol in short order. But then again we weren't much better either, judging by how quickly in our times we dumped the hair bands and embraced grunge.

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