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Soup Jogging

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The current weather in the northeast can be best described as soupy. It's oppressively hot and humid. Perfect condition for a jog outside. Not! But then again I'd jog outside when icicles form on my eyelashes.

I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to jogging. The more painful, the more torturous, the better. When the radio advises against going out, that's apparently the optimum time for me to hit the pavement.

There are other reasons why it's best to jog outside in adverse conditions. One is the feeling of owning the surroundings. Jogging past the trees, the open fields, and the houses, you get a feeling that the road belongs to you. It's just you and the open road. Another is the challenge of it all. Can I beat the weather and prove a point? It's not exactly prudent to test the nature. I know if the nature wanted to kick my behind, I'd be toast in a split second. And yet, there is a feeling of accomplishment when I finish the route. Perhaps I've fooled the nature again, or the nature just simply let me win this time.

Some day, I might not be so lucky. We are, after all, but puny creatures operating within tiny margins. A small deviation from that margin can easily crush us.

But for today I returned home in one piece. Soaked in sweat and hot as a roaring furnace, I doused myself with the cool water gushing from the garden hose while mentally patting myself on the back. The nature let me win again.

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