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Dedicated to Cocoa, the rabbit

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Living in the woods we're surrounded by animals and we see our share of dead squirrels, geese, and deer among others. But when death hits one of your pets, it is specially painful. In our case, one of our rabbits, Cocoa, passed away this morning of some mysterious disease that started by paralyzing his hind legs and quickly spread to his entire body. By the time we got him to the Vet, it was too late.

Seeing the tears of my daughter was devastating. It reminded me of the time when my own pet had passed away. I was older and I was far away when it happened, but it still hurt. Human or animal, when a good friend dies, it leaves an empty spot that's not so easily filled.

Rest in peace Cocoa. You will be missed and we'll keep your memory alive. This blog entry is dedicated to you.

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