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Virgin America

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Virgin America
I flew Virgin America for the first time on a trip to LA last week and I was thrilled with the experience. It doesn't take much to make me a happy flier. A little in-flight entertainment, decent seats, and a clean plane is enough for me. I got all of those on Virgin America. Sort of like JetBlue with a bit of European flare.

Even the safety instructions were pretty entertaining. Richard Branson also makes a cameo cartoon appearance peddling the Gogo in-flight wireless service (it's fee-based like everything else.) He made a humorous reference that made me do a double-take. Did he really say that? I don't remember the exact words but it was something like

… because everything is better at 35,000 feet. Uh, wait, what are we trying to say, like a mile-high club? …

Conservative-minded passengers probably weren't amused, but it made me laugh. I didn't even bother with the TV on the return flight. There was enough selection of classic rock, alternative, and blues music to keep me listening the whole way back. If only the traditional airlines could learn a thing or two from Virgin America.


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