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Bob Ross, The Master of Painting

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Life as a young man in college can be wild sometimes but one of my greatest memories of peace and tranquility was watching Bob Ross paint on the PBS program, The Joy of Painting.

I don't know how I got hooked, but I loved The Joy of Painting from the first time I saw it and even had my roommates watch along on the old crappy TV that was part of every college kid's furnishing.

Bob Ross was truly skilled, but what set him apart from the others was his soft demeanor, his unmistakable sincerity and his devotion to the art, which was mostly paintings of natural settings like mountains, oceans, meadows and the like.

Ross has been gone for 20 years but his art and his lessons continue to impress the world and I am so happy that someone decided to put many of his programs on YouTube. I have never been artistic and very certain that I will never be. But watching one of his programs guarantees a magical and, dare I say, exciting time where blobs of paint are turned into a majestic masterpiece in half-hour.

Thankfully Bob Ross is now immortally on demand, continuing to inject a bit of peace and sanity into our chaotic and loud world. Happy little clouds to all.

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