Beavis and Butthead, the cartoon series about two mischievous, conniving, simpletons in high school is coming back on MTV in October. We're not talking the reruns of the old episodes that ended nearly 15 years ago. These are brand new episodes with the original creator, Mike Judge, at the helm and still doing the voices of the juvenile delinquents.
When the first round of Beavis and Butthead shows began in 1993, I was in my mid-20's, well outside the age sweet spot of the show. Still I became a big fan as many others in my age range.
I wondered how good the new episodes could possibly be. I don't know, maybe I haven't grown much since those days, or maybe my sense of humor is still juvenile, or maybe the show is just that good. Whatever the case, I laughed during the entire clip below, giving the fans a taste of the new episodes. All I can say is, heh …heh …heh, cool, heh heh this rules, heh heh … heh.