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Moving, Migrating, or Exporting/Importing Windows 10 Network Locations

    📂 Computers,Microsoft     #     🗨 No Comments

I have been in the process of migrating my Windows 10 computer to a more muscular hardware. Instead of dealing with partition cloning, I made the decision to start everything from scratch and reinstall all applications.

Some applications have decent export/import tools that do the job. In other cases, I must manually configure the new installs to be as close to their counterparts on my current computer as possible.

One area I couldn't find an export/import tool was the list of network locations for file explorer, nearly 30 of them in my case.

Thankfully I found out that network locations are shortcuts in a special folder and all I needed to do was copy and paste them in the same folder on the new computer.

That location is normally %appdata%\microsoft\windows\Network Shortcuts which usually, but not necessarily always, translates to C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts.

A quick copy of all the items and paste in the corresponding folder on the new machine and all my network locations appeared on the new computer.

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