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Amazon.com punishes Connecticut associates

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Not to defend big-box stores but this statement from Amazon is an obvious distortion of facts. Amazon is just being whiny because it hates fair competition.

We opposed this new tax law because it is unconstitutional and counterproductive. It was supported by big-box retailers, most of which are based outside Connecticut, that seek to harm the affiliate advertising programs of their competitors.

So big-box stores compete with Amazon, maybe fiercely, but that's life. And what does Amazon do in return? Like an infant, it throws a temper tantrum and takes it out on its associates.

So magnanimous of Amazon to allow the dumped associates the continued privilege of shopping at Amazon.com 🙂

... this development ... will not affect their ability to purchase from http://www.amazon.com.

letter from Amazon.com to Connecticut associates - Courant.com.

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