I’m not a huge fan of Amazon, given my past experience with the company but, as the largest retailer in the world, it’s sometimes impossible or impractical to avoid it. The AmazonSmile program had made it more tolerable for me to, on occasion, order products from the smile.amazon.com URL instead of the customary www.amazon.com. At — Continue reading »
Can Jet Beat Amazon?
The idea behind Jet, a new online marketplace site, is simple. Borrowing from Costco's concept, Jet charges its clients an annual fee and in return ships products to customers with no mark-ups and in many cases with substantial savings over other shops, including Amazon. Being a Costco fan, I like Jet's model. Add to that — Continue reading »
The Dawn of AWS Zombies
One of the less enviable tasks in a techie's life is identifying bogus robot traffic on their networks. Robots suck up bandwidth without giving anything in return and in most cases try to brute-force their way into systems and steal information and then assimilate their target hosts into new recruits in their army of zombie — Continue reading »
Amazon's Windfall of ID Theft and Tax Fraud
Seems unbelievable but I never knew some states actually issue tax refunds in the form of Amazon gift cards. Read article. With a long list of companies benefiting from tax refunds including Amazon, debit card issuers, tax software companies and financial institutions that collect transaction fees, one wonders if there is a real concerted effort — Continue reading »
Amazon Diapers To The Rescue
When I opened my inbox last friday, an email from Amazon greeted me with the title: "Announcing Price Reductions for AWS Data Transfer and Amazon CloudFront" I wondered how Amazon was going to make up the difference in the face of stiff competition from other cloud vendors. Then I saw Amazon diapers in the news and — Continue reading »
Amazon and Walmart
I don't know what the traders were really expecting when Amazon reported losses two weeks ago. It's the same broken record for the past 20 years. Trust us, we are investing in the future. The future is an awesome alibi because it's always in the, well, future. It'll never come. So the stock has been sliding since the earnings (or — Continue reading »
Amazon FireTV
So we have wireless-ready TVs, wireless-ready DVD players, Roku, Chromecast, game consoles, and who knows how many other devices attached to our TVs. Now here comes Amazon with its amazingly innovative Fire TV that does incredible things such as, wait a second, stream videos to your TV just like any other device. Why again do — Continue reading »
Amazon, The Emperor
Take the usual quarterly loss, the upcoming Prime price-hike, and the UBS downgrade and you have the catalyst for a drop in amazon.com's shares in the past couple of days. Today however the stock is up over 2% and chances are it'll be back where it started and then some. Amazon is just one of — Continue reading »