URL of Web page | Type in the URL of the Web page you'd like to display, for example, http://www.example.com/page.html. You can also specify https and/or a port number, for example, https://www.example.com:443. |
Follow redirects | Choose this option to find the final location of the page, if the page is redirected. The page is chased recursively until the final URL is reached. Clear this option to stop after the first access. Ignores Meta tags and/or client-side JavaScript code that cause redirection. Looks for HTTP codes 301 (Moved Permanently) and 302 (Moved Temporarily). |
Use POST | Choose this option to issue a POST command (simulated FORM submission) rather than GET to the Web Page. POST is generally used to send an application/x-www-form-urlencoded header to the Web page when an HTML FORM is submitted. Fill in the 'Post string' field with desired data to POST. |
Post string | If POSTing to the Web page, use this field to specify desired POST data. Data will be encoded, so do not enter encoded string to avoid double-encoding. |
Show headers | Displays the HTTP Headers of the Web Page. Headers generally include data such as when the page was last modified (Last-modified), Web server type (Server), cookie info (Set-Cookie), content type and length (Content-Type, Content-Length), caching info (Cache-Control, Expires), and so on. |
Show meta tags | Displays the meta tags of the Web Page. Meta tags generally include information about the page such as description, keywords, author, and copyright. Meta tags could also include instructions, such as redirect or refresh, for the browser via the http-equiv keyword. |
Show raw source | Displays the source code of the Web page. |
Show stripped source | Displays the source code of the Web page with all the HTML tags stripped away. |
In new browser and script-protect | Displays the page in its true design and format. Client-side JavaScript and meta tags are disabled to protect your browser from possible malware or unwanted effects. Also great for viewing doorway and cloaked Web pages. |
In new browser | Displays the page in its true design and format. Client-side JavaScript tags are NOT disabled however. |
Simulate/emulate Basic Authentication | Simulation/emulation option. Sends credentials to the site. Sometimes pages or sections on a Web site are configured to demand users to authenticate before they are allowed entry. In such cases the server sends a 401 code (Authentication Required) back to the browser prompting a popup for users to input a username and a password. There are a few formats of authentication, chiefly Basic and Digest. This tool simulates the Basic authentication format by joining the username and password with colon(:) character, encoding it with base64 and sending it back to the server. Once the user is authenticated, the server determines the user's authorization level (access privileges) depending on how the site is configured by its administrator. |
Simulate/emulate Referer | Simulation/emulation option. Pretends to have been referred from a link on another site. Some sites adjust their pages depending on the referer value. |
Simulate/emulate Cookies | Simulation/emulation option. Send a Cookie value to the Web site. Multiple cookies should be separated by semi-colons(;). Some sites personalize their pages based on the cookie values specified by the browsers. Be sure cookie strings are formatted as expected by the site, such as URL-encoded format. |
Simulate/emulate browser or robot/spider User-Agent | Simulation/emulation option. Pretends to be a certain browser or robot/spider agent by setting the agent type. Some sites adjust their pages depending on browser type. This is sometimes referred to as cloaking. This option allows you to masquerade as a desired browser type and view the pages as such. You can type in your agent signature or select from the pre-defined types. For best results choose the raw source or script-protect options. To see a fairly complete list of various browser types, click Browser User Agents. Note: Some sites won't be fooled by this impersonation trick. They might rely on IP addresses or client-side JavaScript to adjust their pages accordingly. |
Simulate/emulate Accept-Language | Simulation/emulation option. Pretends to be a certain browser of certain language by setting the language tag. Some sites adjust their pages depending on browser language. This option allows you to masquerade as a desired browser language and view the pages as such. You can type in your language tag or select from the pre-defined types. Browsers generally specify a language tag depending on locality. Some sites provide their content depending on the language tag. You can also specify a subtag, by appending a dash and a counrtry code. For example en-us for American English or fr-ca for Canadian French. For best results choose the raw source or script-protect options. |