What is HTML Form Posting/Submit/Capture/Grab Tool / Utility?
An HTML form allows users to fill out a number of fields and submit the data to the Web site.
Creating an html form on a Web page is a relatively simple task.
Collecting the submitted data, however, has been more complex.
It generally entails a back-end program (e.g. a CGI script, asp, perl, jsp, php, etc.) to process the form and handle the data, saving them to
a database or forward them to a desired email.
Html form does allow the data to be directly emailed also, but that
requires the user to have an email client on their computer to be launched. It not only looks unprofessional, many
browsers pop up security warnings, making the form submission unpleasant, causing most users to abandon the submission.
The HTML Form Posting/Submit/Capture/Grab Tool is the simple and free answer to the form submission headache. Just design the form,
add two extra elements, and put it on your site. This service will capture the POSTed data, and you can visit here to view what
people have submitted. You can also configure it to take the user to your designated thank-you page after each submission.
You can design any type of form, with any fields or controls and styles, with your own error checking and correction (if desired), and leave the data capturing to this
service. Guest books, feedback forms, polls, surveys, short, or long forms, they are all accepted, as long as the total
submission is
fewer than 1,000 characters. Longer submissions will be trimmed before saving.
Here's a sample form using this service (This is just a sample and does not function):
<form method="post"
<!-- Place form elements and submit button below -->
Name: <input type="text" name="Name"><br>
Travel by: <select name="TravelType">
<option value="Plane">Plane</option>
<option value="Train">Train</option>
<option value="Bus">Bus</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<!-- Place form elements and submit button above -->
<input type="hidden" name="__FG_SITE_IDENTIFIER__"
<input type="hidden" name="__FG_THANKS_PAGE_RDR__"
Register on the right to get your customized form submission code.
*Note: Be sure all form fields have names assigned to them, otherwise they will not be captured.
*Update: The form capture code has been updated to capture all fields, including those with identical names.