by Robert Hashemian

HTML Form Post and Client/Browser Headers Tester/Viewer

Note: This free service comes with NO GUARANTEES. No liability is assumed.

View POST Results

Type in the code to view the POST data you submitted.

Specify code: *Between 5 and 15 alphanumeric characters
*Note: If the results displayed is 'N/A', you either provided an invalid code or no data was found under that code because no data was saved originally or it was purged by the system due to aging.

What is HTML Form Post and Client/Browser Headers Tester/Viewer?

POST Request Method Explained
Forms are one of the HTML constructs allowing users to submit data to a Web server. Data sent to the Web server is encoded and sent via application/x-www-urlencoded MIME type using the POST verb. Data can also be sent using the GET verb where values are specified on the URL line as QueryString demarcated using a '?' character. But since sending data via the URL line generally has a maximum limit of 1024 characters, most forms are submitted using the POST command which has no theoretical limit.
These days the POST request method is also used often for REST API calls, mainly to create new records and resources on the target server.

POSTed data is sent after the client headers, remaining hidden from view. This data is generally handled by a script on the Web server designed to process it, for instance, saving it to a database, using it to look up additional information to display, or taking other actions as intended by the programmer.
Since POSTed data is hidden from view, it is sometimes difficult to troubleshoot problems that might arise in processing submitted forms. This utility provides an inside view of the POSTed data in a raw format as received by the Web server.

Set the METHOD parameter of your form to POST and the ACTION parameter of your form to the URL of the Form Post Tester,
and then submit the form. Upon submission, this utility will display the POSTed data as well as your client or browser headers in a raw format.

Saving POST Data
Alternatively you can append a code (must be alphanumeric - no symbols - between 5 and 15 characters with a leading '/') to the ACTION URL. Some examples:
In that case in addition to displaying the POSTed data, this utility will save the data under that code for future perusal. The data is kept online for a minimum of one hour. Beyond that, the system periodically removes saved data without leaving a trace. At this time, only the POST data is stored. The client headers are not persisted.

Viewing Saved Data
As long as the data hasn't been purged you can view it by entering the code (without the leading '/', e.g. 'test123') on the form to the right and clicking 'View'. Alternatively you can view the data by directly navigating to this page and appending the code to the URL. For example, for the code 'test123' you could navigate to:


  • Since this is a public utility, if you choose to have the POSTed data saved, consider using test values and specifying hard-to-guess codes. Anyone who can correctly guess your code will be able to view the data until it is purged by the system.
  • If you are test-POSTing several forms, consider using a different code for each. If the same code is specified, existing data will be over-written by the new data. This is also true if another person POSTs using the same code as yours. Again, make your codes hard to guess to guard against having them over-written.
  • Due to storage considerations, this utility refuses to save POSTed data exceeding 10,000 characters.

  • Sample html form to use with this tool:
    <form method="post" action="">
    Name: <input type="text" name="Name"><br />
    Favorite color: <select name="Color">
    <option value="Red">Red</option>
    <option value="Green">Green</option>
    <option value="Blue">Blue</option>
    </select><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    Sample curl command:
    curl -d 'key1=valueA&key2=valueB'

    Sample Python code simulating a REST API call:
    import requests

    resp =
            url = '',
            data = {'token':'12345678','key':'mykey','value':'myvalue'}
    print("The response is:%s"%resp.text)

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